Sixth Annual Research Student Conference
20-21 September 2007
London School of Economics
The ESRC Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR) welcomes expressions of interest for Risk and Regulation 2007: Sixth Annual Research Student Conference. The conference is intended as a forum for intense and constructive discussion and debate between research students whose projects focus on a topic within CARR's agenda.
The programme will include the following sessions:
- Governing Health
- Regulation and Conceptions of Risk
- Public and Professional shaping of Regulation
- Politics of Regulatory Reform
- Internal Dynamics of Regulation
The keynote speech will be given by Steven Wearne, the head of the Regulation, International and Openness Division at the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Steven has been an official of the FSA since its creation in 2000. He has gained an extensive experience in risk management and risk analysis through various positions at the FSA and previously as an official of the Joint Food Safety and Standards Group within the former Ministry for Agriculture, Farm and Fisheries
The conference will also include interactive workshops on research methods and writing skills, to assist you in successfully completing your PhD.
We welcome expressions of interest in attending the conference.
There is no charge for attending the conference.
Applying to attend the conference
If you would like to attend the conference, please send an email to that includes:
1. Your full name (including any titles);
2. Your university affiliation;
3. The title of your research;
4. PhD year of study (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd...); and
5. Any dietary and/or disability requirements
Your application to attend must be received by CARR before 5pm on Friday 17 August. (Due to intense interest in the event, it is crucial that this deadline is met.)