CEFTA Transparency Pack
The Transparency Pack contains information on all types of trade measures applied by the CEFTA Parties. It offers a search facility over four databases:
(a) the CEFTA Trade Portal, containing records of notified of trade related measures, customs procedures, trade licensing, sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary control procedures, technical requirements, border police controls, quotas and customs duties, and public procurement regulations;
(b) the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Database, containing a comprehensive record of the key laws, bylaws and specific measures related to the flow of flow of agricultural goods in the region;
(c) the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Platform, with information on quality Infrastructure, accreditation, standardisation, conformity, etc;
(d) Market Access Database (MADB), which includes information on recorded market access barriers (including in services) as well as on the trade volume of the product subject to the relevant barriers.
Further details are available at http://transparency.cefta.int/