What do the results of the British general election mean for Labour and the left? A panel of leading analysts and activists discuss.
Jane Green (@ProfJaneGreen) is Director of the Gwilym Gibbon Centre for Public Policy, Oxford, Co-Director of the British Election Study, Professorial Fellow at Nuffield College and an election analyst for ITV News.
Ana Oppenheim (@AnaOpp) is a Momentum activist and co-founder of the Labour Campaign for Free Movement.
Polly Toynbee (@pollytoynbee) is an author and Guardian columnist.
Robin Archer is Associate Professor (Reader) in Political Sociology, Department of Sociology, LSE.
The Ralph Miliband Programme (@rmilibandlse) is one of LSE's most prestigious lecture series and seeks to advance Ralph Miliband's spirit of free social inquiry.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSELabour
A podcast of this event is available to download from The Election and the Left.
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