
What Might the European Elections Mean for the Future of the EU?

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy

Old Theatre, Old Building


Professor Matthew Goodwin

Professor Matthew Goodwin

Dr Sara Hagemann

Dr Sara Hagemann

Professor Sara Hobolt

Professor Sara Hobolt


Professor Andrés Velasco

Professor Andr��s Velasco

In this especially timely occasion, the panel will consider the impact of the upcoming European elections on the EU as a negotiating actor of Brexit and the future relationship with the UK. Will the balance of power change in the EU institutions? Is this the next stop for the populist wave, after Brexit? 

Matthew Goodwin (@GoodwinMJ) is Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent.

Sara Hagemann (@sarahagemann) is Associate Professor in European Politics, European Institute, LSE.

Sara Hobolt (@sarahobolt) is Sutherland Chair in European Institutions and Professor in the Department of Government, LSE.

Andrés Velasco (@AndresVelasco) is the inaugural Dean of LSE's School of Public Policy. 

The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) is a centre for research and graduate teaching on the processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the Institute was ranked first for research in its sector.

The School of Public Policy (@LSEPublicPolicy) equips you with the skills and ideas to transform people and societies. We are an international community where ideas and practice meet. Our approach creates professionals with the ability to analyse, understand and resolve the challenges of contemporary governance.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEBrexit


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