

Law and Nationhood: India at 70

Hosted by LSE Arts

Atrium Gallery, Old Building,

Commemorating 70 years of independence, this exhibition highlights the shared legal background of Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar and Krishna Varma. Drawing on little-known documents from their respective Inns of Court, the exhibition narrates the complex process of transfer of legal and constitutional powers from Britain to India, culminating in the magnificent first edition of the Indian Constitution, to be displayed on this commemorative occasion. 

Twitter Hashtag for this exhibition: #LSEArts

This exhibition runs from 13 November - 7 December.

Just economics and politics? Think again.  While LSE does not teach arts or music, there is a vibrant cultural side to the School - from weekly free music concerts in the Shaw Library, and an LSE orchestra and choir with their own professional conductors, various film, art and photographic student societies, the annual LSE photo prize competition, the LSE Literary Festival and artist-in-residence projects. For more information please view the LSE Arts website.

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