How can we understand the mentality of those who conceived and implemented the Holocaust? By drawing on both his research for his recent book on the Holocaust, as well as the personal experience of meeting a number of those who were involved in the killing process, Laurence Rees reveals the mentalities of a number of the killers.
Laurence Rees is the author of The Holocaust published by Viking/Penguin in January 2017. He has written six previous books on the Nazis and the Second World War, including the award winning ‘Auschwitz: The Nazis and the ‘Final Solution’’ which is the world’s best selling book on the history of the camp. A former Head of BBC TV History, he has also written and produced a number of documentary series on the Nazis, including the BAFTA winning ‘The Nazis: A Warning from history’ and ‘The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler’. Educated at Solihull School and Oxford University, he holds honorary doctorates from the University of Sheffield and the Open University. He is a former visiting senior fellow at the LSE.
Janet Hartley is Professor of International History and Head of the Department of International History at LSE.
The Department of International History (@lsehistory) is one of the top five university history departments in the UK.
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