Henry Overman discusses what we know about the effectiveness of different policies in driving local economic growth and asks what role, if any, this evidence plays in formulating policy.
Henry Overman (@henryoverman) is Professor of Economic Geography at LSE and Director of the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth.
David Halpern is Chief Executive of Behavioural Insights Team (@B_I_Tweets).
Alexandra Jones (@AlexJonesCities) is Chief Executive of Centre for Cities.
Lynne Miles (@LynneMiles) is Deputy Director of What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth.
The What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth (WWG) (@whatworksgrowth) was set up in October 2013 as part of the What Works Networkto analyse which policies are most effective in supporting and increasing local economic growth. The What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth is a partnership between the London School of Economics, Centre for Cities and Arup.
LSE Works is a series of public lectures, that will showcase some of the latest research by LSE's academic departments and research centres. In each session, LSE academics will present key research findings, demonstrating where appropriate the implications of their studies for public policy. A list of all the LSE Works lectures can be viewed at LSE Works.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEworks
A copy of Professor Henry Overman's slides are available to download. Download 'Local Economic Growth: do we know (or care) what works?' (pdf).
Podcast & Video
A podcast and video of this event is available to download from Local Economic Growth: do we know (or care) what works?
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